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Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Clorox Wipes.

So I've been cleaning for a large portion of this beautiful day. And well I realized I put off cleaning for about a week because I didn't have these bad boys.

They really do work wonders. REALLY. They fixed my TV once. Its all thanks to a girl named Summer Lane. She got me hooked. So if you don't want to end up like me, and her, and not clean ANYTHING unless you have clorox wipes, then you probably shouldn't go buy them, haha.

On another note, I finally got my room all clean, and now we begin the countdown to how long it will be before it is a complete disaster again.

I think Chaos is way too attached to me. He WILL NOT lay with anyone else. He must be in my lap at all times, and while that's cute, and I love him, dearly.... Sometimes I'm trying to actually get things accomplished. Like cleaning. I can count how many times I fished him out of a garbage bag, saw him flying off the bed at my face, or just attacking me because I didn't look at him when he meowed.

It is now time for me to go eat some yummy steak and shrimp dinner.

Thanks for reading,


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